Biosphere Assessment

RadEcol provides support for biosphere assessments for radioactive waste disposal encompassing an international portfolio of radioactive waste management organisations and associated regulators.

Biosphere Assessment Capabilities

Environmental Protection

Research Programme Support
Technical Programme Management

Environmental Protection


Bespoke dose to biota assessments in line with regulatory requirements for radioactive waste disposal including technical authorship and technical editing in support of licence submissions and support to clients in addressing regulatory feedback on submissions. This has included assessing uncertainties in long term biota dose assessments.

Research Programme Support


Development and implementation of research programmes to address uncertainties in long-term assessment requirements for human and non-human biota dose assessments associated with radioactive waste disposal. 

  • Long-term radionuclide transport behaviour in the environment
  • Conceptual model development for long term radionuclide behaviour in the biosphere
  • Feature-Event-Process (FEP) analysis and development of biosphere conceptual model interaction matrices

Technical Programme Management


 Programme management and technical secretariat support to international working groups including organisation, reporting and web site management for programmes assessing radioactive and long lived non-radioactive hazardous pollutant behaviour in the environment. 

Explore our experience and projects

Experience of our team includes support to UK operators such as URENCO enrichment (UUK) and decommissioning business (CNS), Sellafield Ltd, and Magnox Ltd; Environment Agency, Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland (RPII); and other industries and sectors including water utilities, landfill operators, hazardous waste management industry and the healthcare sector.